天目溪漂流位于浙江省桐庐县瑶琳镇,是近年来开发的沿徐霞客放舟踪迹、荡悠然之情的漂流旅游项目。天目溪素有“溪有十八滩,一滩高一滩”之说,是竹筏、 皮筏漂流的绝佳地。也可自划皮筏,在溪上任意东西,自在逍遥,怡然自得。2小时漂流后,可在溪畔野炊,烧烤赏鲜,到乡间露营村野营度假,尽情享受大自然的恩赐。
天目溪漂流,位于浙江省桐庐县瑶琳镇,是近年来开发的沿徐霞客放舟踪迹、荡悠然之情的漂流旅游项目。天目溪“连山夹水,两岸对峙……水木相映,泉石争辉”,素有“溪有十八滩,一滩高一滩”之说,是竹筏、 皮筏漂流的绝佳地。穿涧过滩,逐流戏水,看锦峰秀岭,观鸬鹚捕鱼,赏鱼虾相戏,其乐融融。也可自划皮筏,在溪上任意东西,自在逍遥,怡然自得。2小时漂流后,可在溪畔野炊,烧烤赏鲜,到乡间露营村野营度假,尽情享受大自然的恩赐。浙江桐庐天目溪漂流/好玩吗/需要多长时间
桐庐天目溪漂流 ,天目溪竹筏漂流开发在武夷山、楠溪江等竹筏漂流之后,相比之下,天目溪上搞竹筏漂流,急流险滩少,水势较平淡。但是,这里的山水与村舍间结合得自然而有韵味,历来常为美术写生地、影视乡村景。这里的竹筏漂流以乡村为基调;避短扬长,区分特色:他竹筏让神经以刺激兴奋,竹筏让心灵以充实感悟——悠荡在清秀恬悦的山水间,穿行在农耕渔钓的生活里,慢慢品味细细感受情景交融的浙西山区的乡间趣味。
香茅草 烤鱼喃 嘧油炸青苔 五香芭蕉牛 撒撇香竹烤饭 菠萝紫米饭 黄米饭
茶叶天然橡胶 香料 雨林牌血竭 樟脑普洱茶民间传统手工制品--黑陶 民族织锦与手工艺品 民族风味特产 热带水果版纳地毯傣锦 筒帕。
小小竹筏江中游,巍巍青山两岸走。天目溪竹筏漂流位于桐庐县毕浦码头至冷坑一段长约5公里的水面,整个漂流过程约1个半小时。 游客置身筏上,悠悠荡荡顺流而下,时而穿涧过坳,山回水转;时而跌宕而下,破浪逐水。放眼四望,但见锦峰绣岭相映成画,蓝天白云倒影成像,水面上,成群的野鸭结伴嬉水,翩翩起舞;筏底浪花漱石,摇曳的水草、形态不一的鹅卵石清晰可见,花纹如斑马的鱼群衔尾浮游,为旅游者更添了一番野趣。
浙江桐庐天目溪漂流/怎么样/好玩吗/攻略/时长 漂流须知
天目溪漂流 交通信息
从上海、南京、苏州、无锡乘火车或汽车至杭州,在桐庐县城老桥头乘坐中巴车可直达瑶琳仙境(票价 4 元)、天目溪漂流(票价 4 元)。
江苏、上海、浙北地区、浙东地区自驾车游客行驶路线:杭州绕城高速西线→杭新景高速→桐庐出口下→320国道-05省道→毕浦隧道后第一个路口左转500米→景区 。
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Tianmu River Rafting is located in Yaolin Town, Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province. It is a rafting tourism project developed in recent years along the trail of Xu Xiake's boat and the feeling of relaxing. Tianmu River known as "the stream has 18 beaches, a beach high beach" said, is a bamboo raft, raft rafting excellent place. Can also kayak, anything on the stream, at ease, comfortable. After 2 hours of rafting, you can have a picnic by the stream, enjoy the fresh barbecue, go to the country camping village camping holiday, enjoy the gift of nature.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting how long does it take? The whole rafting time is about two hours, but the time of departure preparation adds up to three or four hours, that is to say, tourists need to spend half a day to play Tianmu River rafting.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
China's most beautiful county, Hangzhou Tonglu farmhouse tourism resort, contact phone: 15905813602 or 18058115736 (wechat number), contact: Tonglu Xiaofang, car doorto pick up, inclusive accommodation affordable, Tonglu farmhouse home-stay self-built platform, non-intermediary prices more affordable.
Tianmu River rafting, located in Yaolin Town, Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province, is a rafting tourism project developed in recent years along the trail of Xu Xiake's boat and the feeling of relaxation. Tianmu Creek "mountains and water, the two sides of the confrontation... Water and wood set off each other, spring stone Zhenghui ", known as "the stream has 18 beaches, a beach high beach" said, is a bamboo raft, raft rafting excellent place. Through the ravine beach, stream water, see Jin Feng Xiu Ling, view cormorant fishing, enjoy the play of fish and shrimp, happy. Can also kayak, anything on the stream, at ease, comfortable. After 2 hours of rafting, you can have a picnic by the stream, enjoy the fresh barbecue, go to the country camping village camping holiday, enjoy the gift of nature. Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/fun/How long does it take
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Meandering streams and numerous beaches. Tianmu Creek "the creek has 18 beaches, a beach high beach". In the ancient bamboo raft, sometimes through the valley, the mountain back water turn; Sometimes ups and downs, through the waves to chase water. On the water, mallard duck paw clear wave, osprey leisurely fishing; Raft bottom spray gargle stone, swaying water grass; Both sides of the picturesque scenery, let people crazy intoxicated. Along the way, there are "Osprey performance", "beach barbecue", "Taobao in the water", "passion Repulse Bay", "Pearl Beach splashing", "catch the melon", "night floating Tianmu Stream" and other activities, so that people are overwhelmed, linger. (Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/length)
If you want to play Tonglu exciting rafting, then we recommend you to swim, Tiger Roar Gorge rafting and Yaru rafting, this kind of rafting drop, river speed fast thrilling.
Tonglu Tianmuxi rafting, Tianmuxi bamboo raft rafting development in Wuyi Mountain, Nanxi River and other bamboo raft rafting, in contrast, Tianmuxi bamboo raft rafting, less rapids, less water potential. However, the landscape here and the village combined with a natural charm, has always been the art sketching land, film and television rural scene. The bamboo rafting here is rural; Avoid the short and raise the strength, distinguish the characteristics: his bamboo raft to stimulate the nerves, the bamboo raft to enrich the soul to feel -- swinging in the beautiful scenery, through the farming and fishing life, slowly taste and feel the scene blend of rural interests in the mountainous areas of western Zhejiang.
Surrounded by mountains, fields, ancient trees, high cliffs and tidal flats, the natural landscape is the most beautiful section of Tianmu River basin. Water around the village house spring well stone bridge path, mountain village because of the rise and fall of war and other history and accumulated rich human stories. Bamboo raft through the stream on the way, cattle idle grass, flocks of ducks cruise; Boats swing, ferries swing to; A village maid washes one's clothes, and a village child swims in the water... A beautiful backdrop for a bamboo raft drifting in the stream. Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/fun/How long does it take
In the processing, refining and design creativity of the Tianmu River Rafting Scenic spot project, the theme of returning to the countryside and returning to the simplicity, the traditional simple and even primitive production and life forms of the local mountain and rural areas are used as the music, and the farm tools, utensils and activities that can add interest and curiosity to visitors are used as the notes to compose strong country music.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Tonglu style snacks
Lemongrass Grilled fish Ranam fried moss Spiced Plantain Cattle sprinkled skimming fragrant bamboo Roasted rice pineapple purple rice Yellow rice
Local specialty
Tea natural rubber spice rainforest brand blood exhausted camphor Pu 'er tea folk traditional handmade products - black pottery national brocade and handicrafts national flavor specialty tropical fruit Banna carpet Dai brocade tube pa.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Tianmu River rafting play project
Tianmu River rafting is divided into two ways: raft rafting, bamboo raft rafting. Bamboo raft 65 yuan/person, kayak raft 50 yuan/person.
Bamboo rafting
A small bamboo raft in the middle of the river, Weiwei green mountains on both sides of the walk. Tianmuxi Bamboo Raft rafting is located on a 5km stretch of water from Bipu Pier to Leng Keng in Tonglu County. The whole rafting process takes about one and a half hours. Tourists on the raft, leisurely down the river, sometimes through the valley, the mountain back to the water; Sometimes down, through the waves to chase water. Everywhere you look, you can see brocade peaks and embroidered mountains reflecting each other into a picture. The blue sky and white clouds are reflected in the reflection. On the water surface, flocks of wild ducks are splashing and dancing together. The raft bottom spray gargle stone, swaying grass, different forms of pebbles clearly visible, patterns such as zebra fish tail floating, add a wild interest for tourists.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River raft rafting, Tianmu River is another rafting project. Rafts rafting than bamboo rafts rafting, no raft workers support, all rely on their OARS, suddenly from the rapid beach arrows down, such as flying clouds; Suddenly slow wade shoal, raft bottom and pebbles rub together, like a land boat, from time to time to attract tourists hoot, emit bursts of laughter, enjoy the joy of drifting; Will not row, all the way let you paddle like Guan Gong dance broadsword, the raft is still in circles. Don't worry, the raft will still float to the end of the river.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/guideline/time
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/How/fun/introduction/time rafting notice
Before departure, it is advisable to carry a set of clean clothes for replacement when disembarking, and a pair of plastic slippers for wearing on board
⒉ When rafting, do not take cash and valuables on board. If the boat capsizes or other accidents happen, the rafting company and the insurance company will not compensate the tourists for the lost cash and articles; If you feel that the opportunity is rare and must take a camera, it is best to take a stupid machine of low value, wrapped in a plastic bag in advance, opened at the flat beach, over the bag, and be prepared to throw into the water
⒊ On board the ship, it should first read the rafting instructions carefully, follow the arrangements of the staff, put on the life jacket, and find the safety rope
A raincoat can be purchased at the starting point of the trip if you participate in the rafting in low temperatures
When the drifting ship passes through the rapidbanks, it is necessary to follow the command of the staff. Do not move randomly. It should grasp the safety rope, tighten its feet, and tilt its body toward the center of the hull
If there is a wreck, you will not panic at all, to be calm, because you have a life jacket
Do not get off the boat and swim casually, or you should swim in calm water according to the advice of the boatman, and do not move independently away from the hull.
Zhejiang Tonglu Tianmu River rafting/fun/How long does it take
Tianmu River rafting traffic information
Hangzhou to Qiandao Lake bus, Hangzhou West Bus Station to Fenshui car (every hour) to Bipu, 1 hour 40 minutes, walk 50 meters after getting off the scenic spot.
Hangzhou West Railway Station and South Railway Station (Kuaike) have direct passenger cars to Tonglu long-distance station (every 20 minutes, about 1 hour 20 minutes). Take No. 18 bus from Tonglu long-distance Station to Fenshui River Bridge, transfer to Tonglu -- Fenshui intermediate bus to Bipu, get off and walk 50 meters to the scenic spot, the bus fare is 6 yuan, half an hour.
From Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi to Hangzhou by train or bus, take a bus in Tonglu County old bridge head directly to Yao Lin Fairyland (ticket price 4 yuan), Tianmu River rafting (ticket price 4 yuan).
Autonomous driving
Hangzhou urban area: Zhuangtang → National Highway 320 → Fuyang → Provincial Highway 05 → First left turn 500 meters after Bipu Tunnel → Scenic spot.
Routes of self-driving tourists in Jiangsu, Shanghai, northern Zhejiang and eastern Zhejiang: West line of Hangzhou Loop Expressway → Hangxinjing Expressway → Tonglu Exit → National Highway 320 - Provincial Highway 05 → First left turn 500 meters after Bipu Tunnel → Scenic spot.
Jinhua area (Pujiang, Yiwu, Dongyang, Yongkang) self-driving tourist routes: 20 provincial road (210 provincial road)→ Fuchunjiang Town →320 National Road (toward Yaolin)→05 Provincial road → 500 meters left at the first intersection after Bipu Tunnel → Scenic spot.
Lishui, Quzhou, Wenzhou area: Route of self-driving tourists: HangJinQuqu Expressway/Longli Expressway → Hangxinjing Expressway →(under Fuchunjiang Exit)→ National Highway 320 (toward Yao Lin)→ Provincial Highway 16 → First left turn after Bipu Tunnel 500 meters → Scenic spot.